After the BLVD on Saturday, My girlfriend, Lizzy, and I decided to walk back to her apartment, which is on campus, with a couple other friends to keep the party going. One friend that came with us was Maddy Foster and she is one of Lizzy's best friends, but everyone just calls her Foster, well at least I do. So we get back to the apartment and Foster is complaining about her back. So naturally I jumped to the rescue and offered to crack her back, which she excepted in hopes of relief. Note that we may or may not all been heavily intoxicated, but anyways I went ahead and picked her up and shuck her up and down a few times, which by the way looked retarted in the video because her legs were flailing everywhere. I then dropped her from a normal height but for some reason when she landed she sling shoted back into me we then both flew back a good 5 feet into a glass lamp. Yes, we did shatter the lamp and almost flew out the window off a second story building, but it was all in good drunken fun :).
I may have not succeeded in cracking her back, but the incident did create one hell of a funny video. I did learn a few things from this hilarious incident thou. First, avoid cracking peoples backs when your drunk. It seems like a fun harmless thing at the time but ITS NOT! Second, I learned that my friend Garrett is very sneaky because he took the video without anyone knowing and didn't show us until the next morning . And lastly, I learned that I might have a career in lamp repairs.
What it was supposed to look like^