Hilarious commercial done by Droga5. It creates awareness about the harmful ingredients in everyday cleaners and detergents. The company being promoted is Method, which is a company that creates cleaning products without harmful ingredients and is environmentally conscience. Very creative way to promote this brand!!!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Shiny Suds
Hilarious commercial done by Droga5. It creates awareness about the harmful ingredients in everyday cleaners and detergents. The company being promoted is Method, which is a company that creates cleaning products without harmful ingredients and is environmentally conscience. Very creative way to promote this brand!!!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Jim Mountjoy's creative process
Jim believes that creativity is about building trust, and once the trust is there everything else falls into place. I really feel for this and thought he had the best overall view of creativity . I enjoyed Jim's creative process and philosophy on creativity so much that paraphrasing it would not do it justice. You can tell he really lives by his creative process because how he articulates his process in the book and by how sincere it sounds when you read it. Here it is below.
"Creativity is about trust. First, you prove to people and yourself you are disciplined enough to cross your t's and dot your i's in all the basics as well as being responsible to others. From there, you move to a more intimate and deeper knowledge of the needs, expectations and goals of others and synthesize this into original insights that are valued. Next, it's usually at this stage others begin to not only trust you, but place a measure of faith in your ideas and actions. Now creative leadership is expected of you and you have the responsibility to take bolder steps that are needed to transcend rote thinking and answers. Sounds a bit scientific, but the art is in doing it everyday with passion".
"Creativity is about trust. First, you prove to people and yourself you are disciplined enough to cross your t's and dot your i's in all the basics as well as being responsible to others. From there, you move to a more intimate and deeper knowledge of the needs, expectations and goals of others and synthesize this into original insights that are valued. Next, it's usually at this stage others begin to not only trust you, but place a measure of faith in your ideas and actions. Now creative leadership is expected of you and you have the responsibility to take bolder steps that are needed to transcend rote thinking and answers. Sounds a bit scientific, but the art is in doing it everyday with passion".
Chris Adams creative process
Chris begins is process with intaking as much information as possible by devouring media and soaking up the world with things such as words, images, music and life. This is not just for any particular assignment.... he simply enjoys it. Although when he sits down to talk to a client he's got plenty of stuff flowing through his head. He says "There's all this stimuli in there for my thoughts to bounce around on. Sometimes the big idea just jumps right out. Other times I have to be more patient" Chris accredits alot of his success to his partner, who's name was not mentioned, because he uncovers the ideas in Chris's head. "Often, I can't find the ideas myself, and my partner is the one who discovers the ideas locked up in my own head".
David Horridge's creative process
Horridge claims that his creative process is an act of subtractive creativity and makes sure he is fully informed and educated on the subject before he begins work on it. Horridge says that "a blank page is only intimidating when I feel pressured to add something to it. So I don't. To him a blank page is merely a shovel and his ideas are buried deep inside his mind. He digs through his mind thinking of as many ideas as possible without critiquing them, because this would only slow him down. He then leaves these ideas alone for a while to return later to them alone, where he beings his discovery process. One by one he goes through every ice and looks for potential in it. He claims its more of a listening process then anything. Dig, sift, listen, repeat. He then is left with polished ideas, but says tha "it's the calluses that makes me most proud".
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Open Happiness
Ever since I can remember, whenever my family gets together the only soda we drink is Coca-Cola. The sizzle of the soda as its opened makes me nostalgic about joyful, funfilled family get togethers. When I travel, the only drink I feel comfortable buying is Coca-Cola, and I don't see this changing for the rest of my life. Their advertising is also clever and smart, giving the brand plenty of personality.
A Hellmann's Christmas
Tis the season for Mayo. Hahaha not really, but this is quite a creative ad by Hellmann's. Sometimes convenience goods, like mayonnaise, need some help with advertising, especially during the holiday season when everyone's concerned with buying material goods, and not sandwich condiments. It's festive and reminds people about their product.
Sunset Barrel
Photo props to my buddy Breck back in Florida. This is what a sunset looks like in side the Barrel of a Wave. Need I say more...
Tom the Bulls fan
This is my friend Tom, he's a Chicago Bulls Fan. One day Tom wouldn't stop talking shit on the Miami Heat, and kept making absurd clams that the bulls were the best team in the NBA. Me, being a die hard heat fan, didn't like this to much and decided to take his face and photoshop it into a bald, fat bulls fan and post it on Facebook. The first picture is the picture I used of him to photoshop and the other is obviously the final product. I then put the photo on Facebook and captioned it Tom when he's 40. It got alot of great feedback, and when I say alot I mean ALOT!! Turns out I wasn't the only one sick of him talking about the Bulls.
stir it up
I previously posted about Bob Marley and how he's a huge inspiration on me, but I really wanted to show off this music video. Whenever I'm stressed out I watch this video. It calms me down beyond belief and I don't understand why. Yes the music is extremely soothing, but its more than that. I think it has more to do with how effortless they look when they play, yet the music they create couldn't be better.
Beach ready!... not quite
Finals week is coming up, but all I can think about is my local beach. Here's a picture I took of it back home. For the time being I'm going to seriously need to focus, seeing that I have 5 finals. I need to study my ass off and act as if my beach is my reward for killing myself during finals week.
Bob Marley
An inspiration to us all...Bob Marley.
He created beautiful music for one reason and one reason only...it made his heart sing.
Bob Marley is a visionary and talented musician.
We should all strive to do things that make us happy, and not just because they'll make us money one day.
^damn good quote!
Rebellious Uncle Sam
Stumbled upon this old drawing I made for Mr. Baronet in word and image today. I'm not the greatest artist, but It's supposed to be a picture of Uncle Sam with the rolling stones logo as his mouth. I can't remember exactly what the assignment was, but I do remember getting an a on this particular assignment. I just thought I was an interesting take on an American icon and deserved a place on my blog.
animal humor
Got a good chuckle when I saw this today and thought that everyone deserves a good chuckle everyday, so go ahead and chuckle away!
Here's my tombstone creation for our last creative project. My idea behind this was to create a display picture of me at my funeral that would leave the audience that attended my funeral with contentment. I'm full of joy, look healthy, and am in my favorite place. There's also a quote that I made on here that I lived my life by and shared this way of living with my company.
throwback tuesday
This is a picture taken by my mom right before I got on my flight to Dallas to start my new life out in Texas. I had no idea what was to be in store out in Texas, but I was excited to find out. Being a Florida boy and and growing up on the beach was all I knew, so coming out to Texas was a leap. Turns out it was the best leap I've taken so far in my life.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
So much to say about a warm fire place, but I'll keep it short. In my opinion nothing brings a family closer than sitting by the warm fire and exchanging stories. It's a very warm and comforting feeling, being with the people you love and hearing about their thoughts, feelings, and desires. It's almost a bit symbolic, don't you think?
Friday, November 29, 2013
Christmas Tree Farm
This is the Christmas Tree Farm in Lake Toxaway North Carolina. We have a second home here, but its on the lake of Lake Toxaway. As a family we've been coming here since I was five and continue to do so now every summer and Thanksgiving. We pick our Christmas tree out here every year and my mom drives it all the way back to Florida, where we live full time. Its a great tradition I look forward to every year!
87 and still kicking!!
My grandma just turned 87 today and is still as active as ever!! Her favorite activities are cooking, sewing, and playing with her dogs. She without a doubt fits the bill as worlds greatest Grandma!!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Qatar Airways Commercial
Great ad done by180 Amsterdam!! Really got creative here creating a land completely run by the soccer team of FC Barcelona. The main goal of this commercial is to show that Qatar Airways are proud supporters of FC Barcelona. Considering that soccer is the most popular sport worldwide and that FC Barcelona is one of the most popular and well-liked teams worldwide, my guess would be that this ad did very well for Qatar Airways revenue stream.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
creating art in unexpected places
I created this water drop cup after finishing a Chipotle burrito, but didn't realize how cool it looked until after I finished putting on all the water drops. I then put it in black and white, which I think gives it a much more artistic/creative feel.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Saw this sign in a store today and thought it was pretty funny because its true. I also thought to myself..."What would I do without coffee?" or better yet, "Where would the human race be without coffee...........?"
...probably a few steps back haha
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Andy Irons
Although he passed away Andy Irons was and still is a huge inspiration to me. His drive, effort, and pure love of surfing is what makes him such an idol to me. Below is a short video about why Andy Irons surfs and how he got to be one of the best surfers in the world.
Pike for Puppies
Pike for Puppies is this Thursday (november 7th) on BLVD at SMU. Plenty of puppies just like the ones you see below will be on the BLVD from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It's for a great cause and seriously...who's day isn't brightened up by puppies..?
I started Pike for puppies last year because my fraternity need a philanthrophy event to stay on good standings with the school. I thought that if we had to do one of these philanthrophy events, then why not one that would actually get alot of attention with the entire student body. So I started Pike for puppies because no one can resist an adorable little puppy. Not only does the event raise awareness, but a few puppies even get adopted.
I started Pike for puppies last year because my fraternity need a philanthrophy event to stay on good standings with the school. I thought that if we had to do one of these philanthrophy events, then why not one that would actually get alot of attention with the entire student body. So I started Pike for puppies because no one can resist an adorable little puppy. Not only does the event raise awareness, but a few puppies even get adopted.
A few of my friends and I dressed up as SMU sorority girls for Halloween to get a few laughs.............
This photo got 123 likes on Facebook..............
I think people liked our costumes................
This photo got 123 likes on Facebook..............
I think people liked our costumes................
DaVerse Lounge
DaVerse Lounge's performance last thursday was incredible!! It had flare, depth and a great message. I took away that I too could be interested in stand-up poetry, but what really grabbed my eyes were the stunning flips that one of the gentlemen was performing. Not only was he just doing flips, but reciting poetry at the same time!! Amazing!! I've always wanted to learn how to do flips like he was doing, and his performance has motivated me enough to start practicing. The video below is a tutorial for how to do a b-twist flip, which is one of the flips he used in his performance. This is going to be the first flip that I attempt to learn.
Monday, October 7, 2013
cracking backs
Ok sooo initially I had a hilarious video of me cracking my girlfriends best friends back for this blog post, but for some reason blogger isn't letting me upload it so I'm gonna improvise by telling what happened in the video.
After the BLVD on Saturday, My girlfriend, Lizzy, and I decided to walk back to her apartment, which is on campus, with a couple other friends to keep the party going. One friend that came with us was Maddy Foster and she is one of Lizzy's best friends, but everyone just calls her Foster, well at least I do. So we get back to the apartment and Foster is complaining about her back. So naturally I jumped to the rescue and offered to crack her back, which she excepted in hopes of relief. Note that we may or may not all been heavily intoxicated, but anyways I went ahead and picked her up and shuck her up and down a few times, which by the way looked retarted in the video because her legs were flailing everywhere. I then dropped her from a normal height but for some reason when she landed she sling shoted back into me we then both flew back a good 5 feet into a glass lamp. Yes, we did shatter the lamp and almost flew out the window off a second story building, but it was all in good drunken fun :).
I may have not succeeded in cracking her back, but the incident did create one hell of a funny video. I did learn a few things from this hilarious incident thou. First, avoid cracking peoples backs when your drunk. It seems like a fun harmless thing at the time but ITS NOT! Second, I learned that my friend Garrett is very sneaky because he took the video without anyone knowing and didn't show us until the next morning . And lastly, I learned that I might have a career in lamp repairs.
What it was supposed to look like^
After the BLVD on Saturday, My girlfriend, Lizzy, and I decided to walk back to her apartment, which is on campus, with a couple other friends to keep the party going. One friend that came with us was Maddy Foster and she is one of Lizzy's best friends, but everyone just calls her Foster, well at least I do. So we get back to the apartment and Foster is complaining about her back. So naturally I jumped to the rescue and offered to crack her back, which she excepted in hopes of relief. Note that we may or may not all been heavily intoxicated, but anyways I went ahead and picked her up and shuck her up and down a few times, which by the way looked retarted in the video because her legs were flailing everywhere. I then dropped her from a normal height but for some reason when she landed she sling shoted back into me we then both flew back a good 5 feet into a glass lamp. Yes, we did shatter the lamp and almost flew out the window off a second story building, but it was all in good drunken fun :).
I may have not succeeded in cracking her back, but the incident did create one hell of a funny video. I did learn a few things from this hilarious incident thou. First, avoid cracking peoples backs when your drunk. It seems like a fun harmless thing at the time but ITS NOT! Second, I learned that my friend Garrett is very sneaky because he took the video without anyone knowing and didn't show us until the next morning . And lastly, I learned that I might have a career in lamp repairs.
What it was supposed to look like^
If you haven't notice yet, the majority of my blog posts are in Helvetica. That's because Helvetica is my favorite type of typeface!!!! So to show my love for Helvetica I've devoted my whole 24th blog post to it!!!
Developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann, Helvetica is widely used Sans Serif typeface that changed the game for the typography industry.
Dolphins Logo Crisis
I'm a die-hard Dolpins Football fan but the new logo just simply BLOWS. I'm sorry but I had to get this off my chest because its been on my mind since the start of the this season when they revealed it. Wheres the character..??? It's as boring as it could be. It doesn't even have eyes..their just slits. I thought this was a football team in America not China.
Ok kidding but you can see my frustration over this topic.
The old Dolphins logo had it all: style, class, a clear representation of football with its signature "M" helmet, and it appealed to both children and adults.
I'm all for innovation, but in my opinion innovation can wait until someone designs a dolphin with a bit more personality.
Sexually attracted to food... maybe yes
Was looking through Buzzfeed articles the other day and this one caught my eye. Probably because all I think about is food and eat every 3 hours but I also wanted to acknowledge the creative and comic nature that went into making this so here it is on my blog.
Was looking through Buzzfeed articles the other day and this one caught my eye. Probably because all I think about is food and eat every 3 hours but I also wanted to acknowledge the creative and comic nature that went into making this so here it is on my blog.
Smores are one of my favorite sweet treats. Besides the fact that they are insanely good, it brings back alot of memories of mine as a child. My brother, sister, and I would go crazy even if just hearing our parents say the words smores. Mhhmmmmmmmmmmm toasted smores and a warm campfire.... What's better than that???
Favorite Commercial
I really like this commercial. It played at last year's superbowl. Its interesting how a motor company manages to really touch people through a commercial.
I really like this commercial. It played at last year's superbowl. Its interesting how a motor company manages to really touch people through a commercial.
If you like dogs, click this
Yes, I know I've already posted about my dog. But if you haven't seen this video and you're a dog lover, watch is ASAP rocky. I'm also attaching another picture of my dog for good measure.
Brothers and Sisters
Check this out. One of my favorite clips. This little boy's honesty and innocence and protection for his family is a true testament to the strong bonds which tie together a brother and sister.
I know I already posted one of these, but this picture is a perfect representation of the peacefulness and tranquility that was my summer.
One of my oldest friends is an awesome painter. This is what she did to someone for halloween. Its really interesting to see how varied peoples creative outlets are.
If you don't love golden retrievers, I judge you. Especially this one...which happens to be my Golden Retriever!! Her name is Biscuit and she just might be the best damn dog out there.
Locked out
Locked out of my house.....so I decided to climb this tree to get in through the balcony. Which was also locked....
Food Poisoning (the remake)
Did you see my earlier post about the sushi that gave me food poisoning? Did you believe it?
Gotchaa...just kidding because I actually DID get food poisoning. But here is the real picture of the sushi I ate
....not as good as the other one. But hey still pretty good for an iPhone
Gotchaa...just kidding because I actually DID get food poisoning. But here is the real picture of the sushi I ate
....not as good as the other one. But hey still pretty good for an iPhone
John F Kennedy once said, "We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."
There is an incredible tie one has to the ocean. It is astonishingly beautiful, yet vastly terrifying. We are drawn to the unknown. For me, there is no better place to contemplate life than on a surfboard. Though the waves are continually crashing the shore, there seems to me to be no place quieter. My dad always used to say to me, "Smooth sea never made a strong sailor."Out here amongst the tumultuous waves, there is no better place to wonder.
There is an incredible tie one has to the ocean. It is astonishingly beautiful, yet vastly terrifying. We are drawn to the unknown. For me, there is no better place to contemplate life than on a surfboard. Though the waves are continually crashing the shore, there seems to me to be no place quieter. My dad always used to say to me, "Smooth sea never made a strong sailor."Out here amongst the tumultuous waves, there is no better place to wonder.
"A unique affinity for a group that’s hard to parallel. The shared experience combined with the sheer size of the support network, in my opinion, makes Greek brotherhood significantly different from most normal friendships.
While I hate cliches as much as the next guy, there is strength in numbers. Going though life as a team makes the whole journey both easier and more enjoyable. For various reasons, fraternities and sororities might not be for everyone, and I understand that. Even though others with superficial, misguided conceptions of what fraternal institutions are all about might scoff at this, I can confidently say that my experience as a member of a dedicated brotherhood has defined my time at college.
As we get older, we’ll forget most of the minutiae we learned in class, most of which we’ll never use in a practical manner (unless you’re an engineer or something crazy like that). The only things that will remain relevant (other than that piece of paper with your school's name on it) will be the emotional and intellectual growth we’ve made as people and the relationships we’ve made while here."
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Pillsbury Dough Boy
In order to have success in advertising one must avoid selective retention. Here is an example of avoiding selective retention by using a memorable icon. This is also the first Pillsbury Doughboy commercial aired on TV.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
One of my favorite advertising campaigns.
The humor and creativity that goes into the Dos Equis commercials is outstanding in my opinion. This is one of my favorite ones that was released a couple years ago. These commercials really showed me that humor and creativity go hand in hand.
One of my favorite creative outlets is wakeboarding.
You carve your own path into the water and fly your own path through the air.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
My Backyard
I took this photo about 4 years ago after a terrible storm and came across it today looking through an old album. This is actually a picture of my backyard back in Florida and at the time I took this photo, I thought it was the most insane display of scenery I've ever seen. I wondered how something so beautiful could form after something that nasty...almost as if we were rewarded for tolerating the storm...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
BOULEVARD SEASON STARTS FRIDAY!!!!!!!! Sooooo I thought it only be appropriate if I uploaded a picture from a previous boulevard. This is a picture of my mom and I on parents weekend boulevard last year. It was pouring rain but it didn't stop anyone from having fun, as you can see from our smiles.
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