Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jim Mountjoy's creative process

Jim believes that creativity is about building trust, and once the trust is there everything else falls into place. I really feel for this and thought he had the best overall view of creativity . I enjoyed Jim's creative process and philosophy on creativity so much that paraphrasing it would not do it justice. You can tell he really lives by his creative process because how he articulates his process in the book and by how sincere it sounds when you read it. Here it is below.

"Creativity is about trust. First, you prove to people and yourself you are disciplined enough to cross your t's and dot your i's in all the basics as well as being responsible to others. From there, you move to a more intimate and deeper knowledge of the needs, expectations and goals of others and synthesize this into original insights that are valued. Next, it's usually at this stage others begin to not only trust you, but place a measure of faith in your ideas and actions. Now creative leadership is expected of you and you have the responsibility to take bolder steps that are needed to transcend rote thinking and answers. Sounds a bit scientific, but the art is in doing it everyday with passion".

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